VIP cards enable you to recognize you clients who should be Very Important People to your enterprise. When considering your most valuable clients you need to ensure you are developing a business relationship that makes the client feel special and valued. VIP plastic cards begin to build a great impression that you customers will recognize. High specification PVC is an extremely durable material that supports an exceptional finish when printed, these are cards that your clients we definitely keep for future reference. VIP cards provided by All Cards Experts New Zealand can’t be beaten on quality and value with high aesthetic nature that makes them collectable.
VIP cards need to be attractive and feel good in your hand. They should made of durable materials and have high print quality to mirror your commercial image and generate trust and admiration in your customers. Here at we provide a myriad of additional features that can be configured to guarantee the VIP card we create for your business will be special and one of a kind. With options like Custom Die Cut Cards, impressive features such as Frosting or Transparency mean that with our help you can easily have a VIP card your clients will be happy to be given. Security is of prime importance when using a VIP card with magnetic stripe or microchip embeds, our high end security technology is constantly being developed and improved to ensure these features can be safely and securely used in conjunction with your VIP Plastic Card.
Enhance and grow your Brand Story with a great looking, hard wearing, secure, VIP card to distribute to your existing clientele and prospective customers alike. Reinforce your credibility and assure customers of your respect and appreciation, give your client list varying levels of discount or even offer gifts or special services based on their VIP status in your system.
To begin the quick and easy process of getting production of your high quality VIP Plastic Card underway, call us today. Our representatives are ready to assist you now.
Please not this product has a 500 unit minimum order.
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